Friday, 1 May 2009

Project underway!

The Soundscape project got off to a great start on Wednesday. With the weather smiling on us, we set off with microphones and recording equipment to capture the sounds of Yaxley. I'll be posting some of those sounds here soon, but for the meantime, here's a quick taster of what we heard:

- the traffic zooming by on Daimler Avenue (with apologies to anyone driving past who might have mistaken the boom microphones for speed guns!)
- our hands sweeping through the wheat
- our feet walking over grass, concrete, gravel and metal
- a distant argument!
- the sizzle of a barbeque
- a squeaky gate
- and a few birds singing in the dusk.

Back on the Jam Van, we used Amadeus to start to process these sounds, chopping out the most interesting bits and editing them. These will be the starting points for the Soundscape we're going to be writing over the next few weeks.

If you weren't able to come on Wednesday, you can still take part in the project. If you met us at Sawtry and gave us your email address, we'll be emailing you soon with details of forthcoming opportunities; if you haven't met us yet, drop us a line at and we'll see if we can fit you in!

Hope everyone enjoyed the session, and see you again soon!

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